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Darlington Statement: Joint consensus statement from the intersex community retreat in Darlington, March 2017.

25 Jan 2023 3:26 PM | Anonymous member

PATHA has co-signed the Darlington Statement!

What is the Darlington Statement?

It is a joint consensus statement by Australian and Aotearoa/New Zealand intersex organisations and independent advocates, in March 2017. It sets out the priorities and calls by the intersex human rights movement in our countries, under six headings: a preamble, human rights and legal reform; health and wellbeing; peer support; allies; and education, awareness and employment.

The Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa (PATHA) regards the Darlington Statement as an essential document for governments and service providers to ensure that  their legislation, policies, and practices support and respect the rights of intersex people.

Read the full statement and more about the essential nature of this work here:


The Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa (PATHA) is an interdisciplinary professional organisation working to promote the health, wellbeing, and rights of transgender people. We are a group of professionals who have experience working for transgender health in clinical, academic, community, legal and other settings.


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